

The name "Shagohod" means "trampling one". It employs a synthetic intermediate-range ballistic extension system and served as the technological forerunner to Metal Gear. In addition to its single SS-20 Saber-class nuclear missile, the Shagohod is armed for conventional combat with two machine cannons, an anti-aircraft cannon, a 100-barrel machine gun, and six missile pods. It boasts a top speed of 80kph and a cruising range of 600 kilometers. A rotating propulsion mechanism is attached to the front to provide stability on uneven terrain. The rear is outfitted with a multi-engine cluster rocket booster which, when activated, provides enough propulsion to accelerate the Shagohod to 300mph (500kph).

The Shagohod was designed by Nikolai Stephanovich Sokolov. Development began in 1961 and was completed in 1964. However, Sokolov and the Shagohod were captured and transferred to the fortress of Groznyj Grad by Colonel Volgin before development was finished.